The GYEON Guide to Q²M Iron

If there is a product within the GYEON maintenance lineup that needs no introduction, it is Iron. Our ferrous deposit remover is loved by detailers all around the world for its effectiveness as both a pre-coating decontamination, as well as a periodic maintenance product to de-clog coatings and extend the life of them to their maximum durability ratings.
Let us talk briefly about the how’s and when’s to use Iron and how it might fit into your routine.
New Car Decontamination
Whether you’re taking delivery of a custom-ordered vehicle direct from the factory or picking up a used daily commuter, aside from asking the dealer not to wash or prep/wash the car, you should begin thinking about what type of protection you’d like to go with; whether you decide on PPF, Wax, Ceramic Coating, or a sealant, it should all begin at the same place – with a full decontamination process.
If purchasing a brand-new vehicle, it might be strange to consider that your car would need a full decontamination process, but contrary to what “brand-new” car might lead you to believe, your car experiences quite a bit of contamination between the assembly line and the showroom. Now, of course there are exceptions to this as you get into the custom-built, factory delivered, limited edition type vehicle, but for majority of situations, all production vehicles will be transported through harsh conditions (railroad contamination, sea-spray contamination, rain, snow, etc.).
Of course, the difference in contamination between a brand-new car and a used car will be quite significant, but both will still contain contamination, nonetheless. With any car purchase, I always like to start with a thorough chemical decontamination of Iron, followed by our dedicated Tar Remover. Contrary to what you may think, Iron is best used on a dry panel before using a pre-wash snow foam or contact wash; while this may seem very unorthodox, it becomes the most logical with a deeper understanding of how the product works. Performing the chemical decontamination step before executing the contact wash makes sense because using dedicated Iron and Tar removers are going to dissolve/eliminate a significant amount of contaminants on the surface, which greatly increases the safety of a contact wash – the less contaminants on the surface, the less likelihood of wash-induced marring. Understanding this step alone could mean the difference between a 1-step paint correction and a 2-step paint correction, which is huge!
How To Use
We briefly touched on this above, and it really is that simple. Typically, the best time to work Iron into your wash routine is every 6-12 months depending on climate, driving habits, etc. - Iron is a very easy-to-use chemical when treated with respect and used properly – using incorrectly or carelessly can lead to unwanted damage. Always use Iron on a cool and dry surface out of direct sunlight, and never allow the product to dry on the surface. Using the included sprayer (or even something like the IK pump sprayers), apply a nice even mist of product over 2-3 panels at a time ensuring even coverage and enough product to saturate the panel, but not enough to soak and begin dripping. Allow the product to dwell for about a minute – depending on the color of the car, you should begin to see the product reacting on the surface, creating the famous, rich, deep purple color that we’re sure you’ve seen so many pictures and videos on; thoroughly rinse and proceed onto the next section of panels. As always, safety is top priority when using any of these chemicals, so be sure to work in a well-ventilated area and wear proper PPE.
Now the information I am sure you have all been curious about – is Iron acidic, alkaline, or pH-neutral? The answer might shock you, but chemically speaking, it is technically all three. “How?!” you may be asking? It’s rather simple to explain, it is well known that the chemical reaction that takes place with iron removers on the market means the chemical has to be acidic to some degree to be able to target and eliminate ferrous deposits, but like most GYEON products, we continue to redefine car care and raise the bar for what to expect out of the products you use to clean and protect your investment. The solution found within the bottle is actually a slightly alkaline solution with a pH-level of 8; once applied to a panel, the reaction begins almost immediately. Traditionally, this is where most other iron removers would become fully acidic and possibly corrosive to sensitive materials. However, in the case of GYEON Iron, the alkaline nature of the base product counteracts the acidity of the reaction, which leaves us with a final rating of pH-neutral – making it safe for almost all exterior finishes and materials.
Powerful & Safe
Q²M Iron is a safe, effective, all-surface ferrous contamination remover that is designed to decontaminate surfaces from harsh ferrous deposits that can otherwise harm not only the appearance of your car, but also the longevity of your vehicles paint. While it might not be as routine of a product as Q²M Bathe or Q²M Interior Detailer, the importance of Q²M Iron should not be overlooked.
If you live in a part of the world that experiences all 4 seasons, I’ve found that the best time to work Iron into your routine is at the beginning of Spring to execute a full Winter decontamination (read our Winter Decontamination blog here), and then once Fall begins. Spring and Summer are usually going to be kinder months to your vehicle, while the stretch from Fall to the beginning of Spring tends to be colder, harsher, and with longer intervals in-between maintenance washes. Use this information to see where Iron might fit the most into your car care routine and let us know what else you would like to see us go into more detail on. As always, thanks for reading, thanks for supporting GYEON, and don’t forget to follow along on all of our social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube) to stay up to date on all things GYEON and learn more tips & tricks as well.